The pizza man arrives out front and rings the doorbell.Hot 13 year-old decoy: (out of sight) Hey! Come around back.
Pizza guy: Can't you just come up here a-
Decoy: -Hold on! Let me get my bathing suit on! I'll be right there!
PG: I'm letting myself in!
Decoy: Hey!
(enters room) Did you bring the pizza?
PG: That's why...yea. $11.75
Decoy: MMM I love pizza! Did you bring the condoms?
PG: I...what? I mean, I think I have one in my wallet that expired a decade ago. Did you say you had a coupon or some-
Decoy: -My parents just bought me a Playstation. Do you-
PG: -Listen: It's late, I'm stoned, and I don't give a shit. I'm leaving.
Chris Hanson: (enters) Well why don't you hang around for a bit. Have a seat right over there.
PG: You're paying for this?
Chris: Why don't you tell me exactly what you're here for.
PG: I was bringing the pizza when-
Chris: -So you were bringing this young girl pizza.
PG: Right, I guess.
Chris: Do you have any condoms with you?
PG: Fuckin'-, I don't even need a tip.
Chris: Well you're free to leave, but there's something I should tell you: I'm Chris Hans-
PG: Fuck off, Chris.
(Chris leaves, Pizza Guy sits alone)PG: So, nobody's going to suck my dick?