Sunday, October 19, 2008

Waylon Jennings Responds to Pink's "So What."

I got a brand new attitude
And I'm gonna wear it tonight
I wanna get in trouble
I wanna start a fight

I want to start a fight!

So so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't need you

Uh, Check my Flow!

*Urinates on the floor. Leaves.*

Monday, February 25, 2008

Unhelpful Reviews for Movies You've Already Seen

It's been a while since we got a chance to go to the theater here at Tiger Got..., so feel free to read reviews for movies you've already seen by somebody without the necessary credibility.

There Will Be Blood

There, well, wasn't that much blood. There was, however a milkshake, which will soon be the next reason you hate the internet. I'll go ahead and warn everybody ahead of time:

"I drink your milkshake"= Wuzzzuuup!

2 Cowboy Goldblums (out of 4)

Schindler's List

"Hue, you aren't going to make fun of this movie, are you?"

No. I'm not. Except that spellcheck suggests "swindler's" instead of "Schindler's." *TeeHeeHee* Jewish stereotypes.

4 Respectful Goldblums (out of 4)

The Departed

Good up until Matt Damon died. Oh, you haven't already seen this one?

3 Slightly Overrated Goldblums (out of 4)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hue Makes Conscious Decision to watch "Dane Cook's Vicious Circle"

10:10- I make decision to watch. Makes joke about having a hologram on his couch to get out of a lie. Not a good start.

10:18- makes joke about new candy bar called “Clusterfucks.” Good idea, but loses it by beating me in the face with how potentially funny it could have been.

10:23- insinuates atheists should be turned into bibles. First actual punch line he’s told so far. Still not interesting due to fallacious argument that the atheist would care about having a bible printed on him. I could write an essay about the problems the logic of this joke had.

10:25- Poor pantomiming leads to keyboard too close to nose joke. Shut up.

10:30- unfunny description of father’s package. Relies on blue comedy too much to get laughs.

10:32- "Someday, this will all be yours.” OMG HE WENT IN THE AUDIENCE. I leave to get food.

10:47- makes ironic joke of yelling unnecessarily. “Fuckin’ noodles.” same shit I’ve seen on shitty sitcoms. Followed by shot of hot girl in the audience faking laughter.

10:48- Commercial. I look up YouTube clips of Daniel Tosh to cleanse pallet

10:52- panders to girls in audience with cute old person anecdote. I foresee an old person sex joke.

10:53- old person cheating joke. I was close. “I was literally cheated on. They were on me.” George Carlin wants his “Fuck you, I’m getting in the plane, not on the plane” joke back. AM I RITE?!?!

10:55- once again makes note of poor pantomiming, only this time he’s driving. Commercial for that new Turok game grabs my attention.

11:00- “why do I have so many fucking keys?” He’s taking way to long to illustrate sneaking into his house. What’s the point if you were just going to jump in the shower? [ed. Note- I originally wrote “sucking” instead of “sneaking.” Freudian slip indeed.]

11:03- starts with lying bit, similar to first lying jokes.

11:05- I smile at “with who’s dick are you washing your car?”

11:06- whoops, that was a burp, not a smile. Good Baconator, more Daniel Tosh.

11:11- gets applause for “cinematic adventures.” Dane makes a predictable black joke. I make a wish.

11:12- girl with huge boobs laughs at mention of “Bennigan’s.”

11:13- Sticky floor. I predict cum joke. I’m right. Reward myself with a good itch.

11:15- I notice his impersonation of his girlfriend sounds disturbingly juvenile. Brings up pedophilia suspicions. Suspicions turn into inappropriate fantasies. Dane’s poorly timed dildo joke thankfully clears any thought that was in my head.

11:17- “No I don’t want a box, I want to walk back and forth like a train.” Excessive sarcasm. Makes me miss Hedburg’s “no thanks man, I juggle” joke.

11:20- Come to realization I’m a pathetic lump of a man for staying in and insulting a successful comic on my Saturday night. I’m really no better than him, aren’t I? I mean, at least he's making people happy. Am I just a jealous man leading a pathetically cynical existence? I need to get my life together.

11:21- He’s still fucking talking about the movie theater? I now feel better about myself.

11:23- “It’s like they went to professional shush school!” I’m impressed by his large amount of back sweat.

11:24- Pablo Francisco does a better movie trailer imitation. I laugh at his criticism of upcoming movies, but only because he sounds like me watching trailers for his- I think you see where I’m heading with this.

11:27- as he walks off stage, I notice every member of his audience looks exactly the same. Leads me to believe SuFi is actually the name of a cult. Hey, good South Park on.

Unhelpful Reviews for Movies You've Already Seen

It's been a while since we got a chance to go to the theater here at Tiger Got..., so feel free to read reviews for movies you've already seen by somebody without the necessary credibility.

George of the Jungle

Greatest kids' movie ever. If your child doesn't like this, wake them up tomorrow morning with a hearty "IT'S ADOPTION TIME!" Nobody wants to let people know they're raising humorless twats.

3 Shirtless Goldblums (out of 4)

The Royal Tanenbaums

More pretentious than Christopher Hitchins eating Beluga Caviar and reading a book he wrote about Foucault after watching a Wes Anderson movie and listening to the first Mars Volta album. Seriously, the first one was the best. You don't know that because you didn't start listening to them until after they totally sold out.

2 Ironic Goldblums (out of 4)

Death Proof (more like "critics have bad taste"-proof)

Denial: Hey, it's a Quentin Tarantino movie. It'll get good eventually.

Anger: Why won't these catty bitches shut the fuck up?!

Bargaining: It's OK. I'm sure this second group of cunts will die just as bloody as the first batch. Please, please let the Australian girl get decapitated.

Depression: What's with all this character development? I don't care. How did Tarantino manage to make a car chase boring? I should have left after Planet Terror ended.


1 Unsatisfied Goldblum (out of 4)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Happy February!

Groundhog Day- So wait, if he sees his shadow we have more winter? But if he sees his shadow, that means it's sunny out, right? And if it's sunny out, wouldn't winter be almost ov- ah fuck it.

Valentine's Day- Thanks* for the shitty heart candy and flowers I'm allergic to.

Presidents' Day- How exactly do you celebrate Presidents' day? "by doing nothing all weekend lol." No**, what's the standard way of doing it? Labor Day, you take the day off work. Veterans Day, you thank a veteran. Martin Luther King Day, you buy lunch for your black friends. How do you formally celebrate a day devoted to Washington and Lincoln?

Leap Day- The day we get treated to news stories of twenty year olds celebrating their fifth birthday. Who says the news business has lost its credibility?

*, mom
**, douchebag

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Heath Ledger dies and Dane Cook is allowed to keep living.

"Well maybe you're not afraid of me but I'm sure you've thought about me naked"
-10 Things I Hate About You

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

An Apology From the Management of "Tiger Got..." To Dane Cook

We would like to issue an apology to Dane Cook and all associated parties for rude comments left on his Myspace page the night of January 13th. Tiger Got... apologizes for sarcastically pointing out the fact that Dane is not, in fact, 100 years old as stated in his profile. We apologize for making fun of a video of him with an acoustic guitar, referring to him as a "typical Bostonian Jack Johnson wannabe dumbass."

We also apologize for presenting a picture of him in a Yankees' hat, despite doing commercials promoting before said Boston for the World Series back in "Actober." We also apologize for pointing out a picture of him with actress Jessica Alba in which he bears a striking resemblance to "The Terminator," except referring to his special abilities as "instead of traveling time, [he has] rendered me unable to become sexually aroused by Jessica Alba anymore."

Our management would also like to apologize for referring to the trademarked "SuFi" as "the shocker for gay dudes," accompanied with a graphic explanation of how the signature hand gesture leaves one capable only of violent sodomy instead of the traditional "shocker".

In short, please ignore any and all references to you as a "frat boy who's stupid ass couldn't make it in college" or fictional prayers of "Mitch Hedberg's reanimated corpse disemboweling you via episiotomy."

Tiger Got Out of the Cage